
Trainerroad sufferfest
Trainerroad sufferfest

trainerroad sufferfest

So, when I'm feeling good I go find a hilly route, ride above threshold to bring MAP down, and when it gets low enough I essentially attack myself to push my watts above MAP. This can be done indoors or outdoors which is cool. As you ride above threshold it brings the MAP number down and if you are able to push your watts above MAP it is considered a breakthough and your fitness curve/FTP is recalculated.

trainerroad sufferfest

The parts of Xert that I really like that keeps me around is the auto-claculated FTP and MAP - especially the MAP Garmin data field.Įssentially MAP represents the theoretical amount of power you have available to you. I like the workouts but find the workout advisor pushes a lot of sweet spot though their articles seem to talk about polarized a lot.

trainerroad sufferfest

It is far more flexible but has a fairly steep learning curve.


I signed up more out of curiousity about the software and theory behind it. So, it didn't really work for me given my time constraints but I found the software easy to use, the workouts were pretty standard, and I did see some improvement while I used it. In addition, I didn't want to waste time doing FTP tests instead of riding. TrainerRoad was well structured but I had just had my first son and was unable to follow the structure as rigidly. I used TrainerRoad for a period about 2 years ago and currently use Xert.

Trainerroad sufferfest